Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Of many feelings that hurt - grief, anger, jealousy, loneliness hurts the most."

Ant Guide

I fully agree with this statement. You can be angry or jealous, but you will always have your friends and family to get over that, without friends and family you have no one to fall back on. Being lonely is the most painful thing a human can endeavor. Everyone has felt left out or not fit in at some point in their life. This feeling blatantly sucks, and there is very little you can do about it. This is it is so crucial in life to have someone you count on to have your back. Who that person is does not matter, as long as you trust them and they support you.


  1. I disagree, I believe that the most painful feelings are when someone is simply made fun of. I believe that painful feelings come from when your culture, family, or race is disrespected.

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