Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Part 5-6 Lennie and Curely's Wife

       In part 5, Lennie and Curelys wife become part of the climax of Steinbeck's, Of Mice and Men. Part five starts with Lennie in the barn with his pup. Lennie slapped his pup when it looked like it was about to bite him. He was arguing with the dead pup and grew angry at the pup for dying. Curely's wife then came in and wanted to talk to Lennie. He started to obey George, but she convinced him to talk to her. She expressed that she was lonely and wanted to talk to other people than Curely. She then explained how her mother was horrible to her and whenever a large opportunity for her her mother denied it because she thought she was too young. She then explained how she met Curely and married him to get away from her mother. She then questions Lennie about the dead pup. He explains how he likes to pet soft things and she lets him pet her hair. He starts to mess her hair up and she screams. Lennie instinctively holds onto her hair in shock. He tells her not to scream putting his giant paw over her mouth and neck. He then shakes her and accidentally breaks her neck and kills her. I believe this is the climax of the story because it causes George to go with all the men and kills Lennie. Once Lennie had done this there was no turning back before he would've been tortured or killed.

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