Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blog # 3, Why do we Wonder?

How Wonder Has and Still Does Drive The World

     Why would someone spend time writing an essay on a topic so different than the normal conversation? Wonder not only is a great conversation starter, but wonder also is one of the main pathways to success today. Providing past success, current status, and describing the future involvement this essay will allow the reader to understand what wonder will be after tomorrow.
     Including the past in any aggressive argumentative paper places the author in a position to explain the future. Just some of the past success relating wonder are companies like Apple, economic investments like stocks, and leadership mentioning the president. Apple is a current thriving company that was started by Steve Job's intense work ethic and ability to always ask what happens next. Steve job's created many products with tereckly designs. Steve Job's not only built and designed the first computer but also allowed the ones who had access to such technology to have the power to ask any question and unleash their creative and curious minds. Creating web browsers, Steve not only tested his drive and wonder to create such a computer but also allowed random people to use their wonder. Looking up different search topics and filling in the bored holes in our knowledge releases the ability for anyone (who can purchase a computer) to use their wonder within them and gain knowledge to succeed in the future. The United State's economy has a large part sectioned out called stocks. Investors give money to companies in order to speed up their success to make more profit and not end up with their bank accounts desist. Anyone who has money and is interested in stocks has to wonder what company will utilize their money the best, which most commonly leads to more information gained in the future. Although the future is unknown, "Just a matter of time" (Hurston 83). The doctor informed Janie that they were going to need time to find out the result. This directly supports my statement that we cannot see the future.
     This image depicts one of the current stock markets cites that are thriving today. Investors place their money in other people's hands because the investor's wonder leads them to believe that, one company will make more money than others, therefore returning fair to the investors and more. Once success is met in stocks, there are many boisterous investors who want to pull their stocks.
    An advantage that humans have over others is that no one knows what comes in the future. This is an advantage because the ones who remain curious and the ones who use their wonder for the better will have better outcomes in the unknown future which may lead to coquetry actions. The future can only be described as a theory because no one knows what will happen. A pretty large impactor for this country would be the president. With his large impact, he should be able to trigger wonder of the people, and rub off ideas for dreams and wish for the future. The president of the United States himself uses wonder to improve the future for all Americans. His ideas of what the unknown future can hold, allows him to connect pathways and solve problems to achieve that future, he has in mind.
     Humans create neurologic pathways in their brains to become smarter because the human brain always asks why no matter what situation it is in. Not only are humans physically built to ask the question, but when finding something out, or understanding something of interest there is dopamine that is released in our brains which tells us that it is good to use our wonder to answer the question. Humans use their wonder to ask questions that are positive and negative because no matter what the topic, the reality is, is that we humans are supposed to find the answer even if it is harmful. 

1) Bore
Def. = making a hole in something with a tool
In text = "...then her pugnacious breasts trying to bore holes in her shirt" (Hurston 2).
Suffixes = none
Affixes = none

2) Desist
Def. = to stop doing something
In text = "She saw the terrible agony and the lips tightened down to hold back the cry and desist" (Hurston 14).
Suffixes = none
Affixes = none

3) Boisterous
Def. = noisy, energetic, and cheerful
In text = "He laughed boisterously" (Hurston 39).
Suffixes = ous
Affixes = none

4) Tereckly
Def. =  clean, attractive, organized
In text = "Oh, we'll have dis town all fixed up tereckly" (Hurston 40).
Suffixes = ly
Affixes = none

5) Coquet
Def. = Flirtatious intentions
In text = "Mrs. Bogle who was many times a grandmother, but had a blushing air of coquetry about her that cloaked her sunken cheeks" (Hurston 69).
Suffixes = ry
Affixes = None


"What's Moving.",
Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York : Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2006. Print.

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Positive Effects of Music

Image result for music effect on the brain
It has been scientifically proven that music has a powerful effect on the brain. Recent research has revealed that music can help many aspects of the human brain, including stress relief, pain reduction, memory, and brain injuries. For stress relief, it was discovered that it depends on the kind of music you listen to, “relaxing music can alleviate stress by lowering cortisol levels, which is the hormone released in response to stress” (The Tabernacle Choir). Studies convey a link between listening to music and decreased stress in pediatric emergency room patients. Music also helps with pain reduction as it was discovered that music is very helpful for fibromyalgia patients. This study also revealed that your own choice of music heavily effects your reduced pain and increased functional mobility. This is believed to be caused by music triggering opioids in the brain. This was confirmed in a 2013 study when, “people given the opioid blocking drug, Naltrexone, experienced less pleasure while listening to their favorite song, suggesting music activates the release of pain-relieving opioids” (The Tabernacle Choir). Music has similarly been closely linked with improving memory. Listening to music can take your mind back to memories that you may have stored deep in your brain. In a study with patients who have dementia, the results showed that listening to music and singing improved mood orientation, remote episodic memory, attention, executive function, and general cognition. Singing also enhanced short-term and working memory of the patients. Music has had a large impact on the recovery from seizures, strokes, and other brain injuries. It was reported that people with epilepsy respond differently to music than people who do not have epilepsy. “Persons with epilepsy synchronize before a seizure. However, in our study, patients with epilepsy synchronized to the music without having a seizure”, said Christine Charyton. Stroke patients who listened to music in the early steps after a stroke showed a major improvement in recovery. Music helped to better the verbal memory of the stroke victims by 60 percent. This information was what led a treatment called Melodic Intonation Therapy, that was developed to aid stroke survivors to be able to communicate again. The purpose of it was to convert singing in to speech. Music has many positive and negative effects that have helped create the debate if it is good or not. I believe that the benefits of music on the brain outweigh the detriments that it has and if listeners are responsible then music will positively affect them.

Works Cited:

"Music Lessons Combat Poverty's Effect on the Brain." Scientific American,
     music-lessons-combat-povertys-effect-on-the-brain/. Accessed 28 Jan. 2019.

"The Powerful Effect of Music on the Brain." The Tabernacle Choir, 1 Feb. 2018,
     the-powerful-effect-of-music-on-the-brain.html. Accessed 28 Jan. 2019.

Blog post #3
Hugo Engelhardt
Mr. Collier

The Importance of Being Challenged

In my last two blog posts, I gave advice on how to succeed in the classroom, and on the sports field. In this blog post, I will talk about the benefits and importance of challenging yourself, which will enable you to transcend the competition. To be met with the most success, it is imperative to exert yourself mentally and physically. Here is why:
Challenging Feats 2006 John Holcroft (b.20th C. British)...
A picture exhibiting adversity and opposition

The average high schooler can often find themselves falling into the abyss of repetition. Wake up, go to school, do homework, sleep, repeat. While a repetitious life can be very boring, this repetition can also stint the brain and reduce brain activity in the individual. Therefore, it’s imperative to challenge the mind by switching up your daily routine or attempting a task that requires you to think critically. Some things that can easily be done to sharpen the mind and break the cycle of repetition include: Reading books aloud, taking new routes to avoid your brain going into autopilot in the car, and simply trying new things. Challenging yourself like this will build your mental toughness which is “the most important attribute a person can have” (The champions mind pg.49). Mental toughness and hard work are crucial to everyone one no matter age, occupation, or background because someone who never quits will keep on getting opportunities and eventually those opportunities will lead to success. Challenging yourself mentality is the easiest way to build mental toughness, to become a better competitor, to reach your goals (SP8).

Whether you’re a professional athlete or just like to get some exercise at the gym, challenging yourself is a necessity. Challenging yourself physically means doing anything from a few extra reps at the gym to playing against a better opponent to improve your own playing at a sports game. But it all comes down to one thing: Hard work (SP10). Challenging yourself and hard work are synonymous when it comes to sports, and just like I stated in the paragraph above, with hard work and mental toughness more opportunities will come your way, which will lead to success in the end. 

As humans, almost all of us are driven by something and almost all of us have an inner drive to succeed at the task at hand. Therefore, we look up to people who have proved themselves in our field or activity and we admire the skill they possess. But what many people don’t see in the famous athlete or brilliant mathematician is the hard work they have put in and the countless hours they have spent challenging themselves. No one is incorrigible, some are just better at hiding it than others.

Transcend: (n.) to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed:
Exert: (n.) vigorous action or effort:
Stint: (n.) a length of time spent in a particular way. (v.) to restrict or limit in amount or number
Incorrigible: (adj.) incapable of being corrected or reformed

Works Cited:

Afremow, Jim. The Champion's Mind. Rodale, 2015.
Rosengren, Curt. “Why You Must Challenge Yourself.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report,

Challenging Feats 2006 John Holcroft (b.20th C. British) Computer Graphics . Fine Art. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 27 Jan 2019.